The Properties of Water

trinity-brahma-vishnu-shiva-cj14_lWater has many properties. Tonight (it is night when I write this anyway) I would like to discuss water’s twin abilities to both create life and to cause water damage Utah. In this way water is very much like the Hindu deities of Brahma and Shiva combined into one very wet and thirst quenching beverage. Where ever scientists find life they also find water. This is the life creating power that belongs uniquely to water. By contrast, when it rains for forty days and forty nights, the creeks will rise and cause all matter of damage. This is the damaging power that belongs uniquely to water.

If one were to talk to a biologist or a chemist about water’s life creating properties they (that is the scientists) would probably reference the fact that the water molecule (specifically the oxygen atom) has many valences. Valences are essentially windows or an atom’s ability to bond with other atoms. This atomic structure is what allows for the creation of the complex biological structures that are necessary for the creation of complex forms of life.

If one were to talk to a person who remediates mold about the destructive power of water he or she would likely be able to feed you a mouthful about the different types of water damage Utah that can manifest. For example, water can rot wood and rust metal. Incidentally, it is the availability of the valences in water that allows for this type of corruption as well. The fact that the water molecule can bond with other molecules means that it can change its chemical structure. Accordingly rust is “oxidized” metal. That is, the oxygen atom which is part of the water molecule (H2O) bonded with the iron atom (for example) and created a molecule of iron oxide which is rust.